Saturday, May 6, 2017


When Jesus began His official ministry on earth a number of businesses tanked; the winemakers, the undertakers, the physicians and especially the pharmaceutical business. When Jesus saw the condition of the sick He was moved with compassion and so began His ministry of healing. Persons were being healed of diverse diseases outside of the ‘prescriptive methods’ of the health authority of that time. They were no longer going to physicians and spending big bucks, they were now following Jesus and all it was costing them was their faith! The woman with the issue of blood spent all her money at the physicians and never got cured. The daughter of Abraham, blind Bartimaeus, the Lepers, and Jairus’ daughter are some of the named cases where Jesus personally intervened and they got their healing.

Jesus found a set of persons who were 'brainwashed'
by the system of dependency on what was prescribed by the physicians so He set about the task of renewing their minds. He started by feeding their spirits with the word of God. When you become spiritually sound it’s just a matter of time for your physical body to follow suit. You start believing in the word of God and then start to live what the word says. You not only begin to think right you also begin to eat right and do right. The Bible gives a fundamental guideline on what to eat and what not to eat. We are now learning that certain foods have parasites in them that when consumed by humans are detrimental to their health. Fear and worry causes hypertension (the silent killer) and anxiety is a gateway for heart attacks. Obesity is another deadly factor. We are living in a society where not many persons, especially the young, walk for the health benefit of walking. Yes, people exercise, but they drive to the gym to exercise. Persons do walk to catch the bus for work and home but that’s it. Persons prefer to drive to places that are just five minutes away rather than walk. Jesus walked to villages to preach. He walked and his followers also walked and I would want to believe they became healthier because of this.

People were no longer depending on the physicians to heal them; they were now depending on the words that Jesus spoke. The words spoken by Jesus could heal persons miles away! The Centurion came into the revelation of this when his servant was ill. Jesus’ teachings had persons searching the scriptures, renewing their minds in the word of God, believing His words and becoming spiritually healthy.

Today, the poor faces the same dilemma as when Jesus was on earth.  The cost of healthcare is atrocious. Persons are still dependent on prescription medication and persons with certain diseases are ostracized. Contrary to popular belief, Jesus Christ still heals; He still accepts our faith in Him. By faith a blind Bartimaeus hollered out to Jesus and regained his sight. By faith multitudes were healed! Let us retake our faith from the temporal things and put it exclusively in Jesus. Let us holler out to Jesus and tell him exactly what we need healing for! Let us refuse to continue to be victims of those who are trying to exploit us when it comes to affordable healthcare. Our faith in Jesus will not only renew our minds, it will also restore our bodies. Jesus came and destroyed the works of the devil which was to steal, kill and destroy our lives. Jesus came so that we could have life and live our lives abundantly. One way of living abundantly is to have good health, so let us make the decision to take charge of our own health rather than leaving it in the hands of others. Healthier persons means less revenue for those who are making huge profits from persons' illnesses. 

Starting today let us renew our minds as it relates to healthy living. Let us begin to live a lifestyle that is not only pleasing to God, but also beneficial to our health.


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