Monday, March 11, 2019

Border Secured (A Scenario) Section 3 - Part 2

I could not believe my eyes! Nor my ears! Maud and the ‘migrants’ were coming through my gate like the proverbial gypsy caravan! Maud must have sprouted wings in her absence because before I could reach outside she was at my bedroom door. “Please Miss Cissy! Please! Hear me out before you say anything!” I opened my eyes wide at her, she knew I did not like being called ‘Cissy’! “I am sorry Miss Cecilia, please, just let me speak.” I was about to say something but then I saw the tears in her eyes. Maud was a tough cookie who never cries, no matter what. I sat down on the bed with my arms crossed and waited for the explanation of why the ‘migrants’ were once again across my border! Maud began by apologizing for not calling me on the telephone to let me know what was happening but she just wanted to get away from the churchyard as quickly as possible. Reverend Julian’s wife was back from Canada even though she was not expected back for at least another three weeks. A male cousin of hers had been deported from Canada and he had nowhere to stay and she had promised her Aunt Joyce, the cousin's mother, that she would put him up in the Caretaker’s quarters. She made this promise without first discussing it with the Reverend because she knew that the Caretaker was no longer living there. When
she came and saw Cassie and the children living there she was livid. If it were not for Maud and Reverend Julian she would have physically thrown Cassie and the children out of the place. Maud said she was returning from the market and was just in time to hear the wife accusing the Reverend of putting up his ‘sweetheart’ and saying that the baby had better not be his! “What!” I exclaimed. “Oh yes!” said Maud. “That woman is a first class lunatic!” I had nothing to say to that. Maud said Reverend Julian was very embarrassed by his wife’s behavior and at one point the Reverend was clutching his chest as if he was having a heart attack! That’s when she began to worry because she knew he had a heart problem. The Reverend’s wife said she did not care if Cassie and the children had to sleep on the street, she wanted them out of the Caretaker’s quarters so that her cousin would have somewhere to stay. She  reminded the Reverend that she was the one who had provided the furniture and amenities for the place as well as decorated it with things she had bought on her many trips abroad. No amount of pleading by the Reverend could make her change her mind, Cassie and her children had to go. What made matters worst, said Maud, was when she saw the wife’s cousin offering Conroy and Courtney sweets and smiling at them with this weird look on his face. Maud said she just went to the children, took the sweets from them and gave them back to the cousin and told him that they were not allowed to eat sweets. I laughed when she told me this. Cassie, obviously sad about what was taking place, came out the room with Baby Cara in her arms and little Cuba tottering behind her. She called the boys to her and told Maud that she was going to take the children down to the sea, drown them and then drown herself! “Miss Cecilia, I almost dropped down when she said that!” said Maud. That’s when Reverend Julian asked her if she could take them back to my home. She emphasized that she hesitated to answer him but the Reverend took a page from his notepad and scribbled on it. He gave the note to her and told her to give it to me. She handed me the note. I sighed as I took the note from her. The Reverend wrote. ‘Dear Miss Cecelia, I know that you have the right to refuse but I am asking you for a big favour, I am asking you to put up Cassie and the children for at least three days until I find alternative accommodations for them. They are indeed my responsibility now and everything would have been okay if my wife had not returned suddenly from Canada and wanted the Caretaker’s quarters for her cousin. Please help me with this matter. Thank you. Yours, Reverend Julian’.  I looked up to the ceiling and in my heart I am asking God why me? Maud is looking at me. “Please Miss Cecelia, please, they’ll be staying with me like before.” I sighed again. “Okay, they can stay for the three days until the Reverend finds accommodations for them.” Maud grabbed me and hugged me tightly. “Thank you Miss Cecelia, you will not regret this!” I hope not, I said in my mind. Maud left to deal with the ‘migrants’ while I returned to my reading. I did not feel like dealing with Cassie and her children right now. Why me Lord! I screamed silently.

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