Saturday, November 24, 2018

Border Secured (A Scenario) - Section One Part 1

(Knocking on my gate in Eltham Park)
Knock, knock! Who is it? Me! Me who? Come and look nuh! So I went outside. There is a woman on the other side of the gate with three young children holding on to her skirt. On top of that she is in an advanced stage of pregnancy with a baby about 10 months old in her arms. I asked her why she was knocking on my gate. She said that she
and the children were fleeing Spanish Town because of the violence there. Thugs had killed the father of her baby and she had nowhere to go. I asked her why she chose to knock on my gate, and why she passed so many gates and so many other housing schemes on her way from Spanish Town to come and knock on my gate? Her response was that she had been hearing about my house from she was a child because one of her cousins used to work at my house as a domestic helper. (I must admit that my house, which I inherited from my parents was the best looking and the most well kept one in the community). The woman said people told her that the owners of the house were very kind and were always willing to help strangers. I said to her, I am sorry, they must have been talking about my parents, anyway my parents are dead. I turned to go back inside the house and the woman shouted, "Lady yu not going to help mi!' I turned back and looked at her, I asked why did she think that I was under any obligation to help her. The woman said, Lady you have more than enough, I know is you alone live in a yu twelve bedroom house and yu must can give us one of the bedrooms to live in. I am like, really? Woman you know how hard my parents worked to have this house? You know how hard I have to work to be able to pay the property taxes? I can't afford to feed my cats and dogs and just because you are afraid of a few gunshots you want to come and take over my property? Woman! Why didn't you look refuge in Ensom City? Why did you leave all the way from Spanish Town to come and take set at my gate? The woman had the gall to say she never planned to stop in Ensom City, because she heard about my pretty house and this is where she planned to stay and she wasn't going to leave until I let her in. Say what! What a piece of audacity I said in my mind. The children started to cry and this woke up the baby who started to cry also. The woman said, Lady, have a heart, please, help me, have some compassion. I said hold on, I went to the side of the house and bawled out, "Rex! Brutus! Come here!" You should hear the noise my two pit bulls made as they came tearing around the corner of the house. I calmed them and walked with them to the gate. I told them to sit and do not allow anyone to come through the gate. The children screamed and ran from the gate when they saw Rex and Brutus. I smiled at the woman and said, I am sorry, only family members and close friends are allowed in this house, I am not sure you are telling the truth. Maybe you are one of the ones firing the shots in Spanish Town, maybe if I let you in you'll kill me or bring in the rest of your family or beat me. Go ask someone else further up the road to assist you. Please don't think that these dogs don't bite, if you even manage to get pass them the dogs I keep inside the house are even more dangerous. Have a good day. I went back inside the house and sat down because I knew my border was secured.

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