Wharbucks had been taking Charmaine to school for over a week now. Ben was
still sick so he had no choice but to take her himself. Florence got her ready
every morning and Stanley Wharbucks would be there ready and waiting when they
arrived at the main house. Charmaine told Florence that her Grandfather
spoke to her when they were driving in the car, except for the times when he
asked her if the seat belt was strapped too tight. Charmaine, however, did not care whether or not her Grandfather spoke to her,
she was just happy to be in the car. She had made a lot of friends at school just
because of that car and she was happy. Florence was worried about the way
Stanley Wharbucks was treating Charmaine, but she was more worried about
Ben not getting better. Ben was still refusing to go to the doctor and his
cough was getting worse. He was having many sleepless nights, tossing and turning
in the bed. At the beginning of the following week, Stanley Wharbucks insisted
that Ben should go to the doctor and get himself checked out but Ben refused to
go, he kept saying that the bush tea he was drinking would eventually heal him.
That night Florence went to Stanley Wharbucks in a panic, crying, begging him to take Ben
to the hospital. Ben was coughing up blood and was in a lot of pain and was refusing to go to the hospital. Stanley
Wharbucks wasted no time. He went to their quarters for Ben, forcibly put him in the car, and drove him to the hospital.
Florence accompanied them, all this time praying and crying despite Ben telling
her that everything was going to be okay. They did not have to wait long for a
doctor to see Ben because Stanley Wharbucks was a benefactor of the hospital
and his huge donations yearly were unmatched by any other. Ben was whisked away
to a private room. After running some tests the doctor came back and said he
would have to keep Ben in the hospital for at least two weeks. Ben had a
collapsed lung as well as pneumonia and he needed specialized treatment.
Florence let out a huge wail, “Jesus Christ! Don’t take him Jesus, don’t take
him!” The doctor laughed and told her that he didn’t think that Jesus was going
to take Ben this time. What he thought was amazing, however, was that Ben’s
blood pressure was normal, if it had lowered he would have been in serious
trouble. Stanley Wharbucks told the
doctor not to spare any expenses in the treatment of Ben and if they needed to
get medication from England or America or wherever they should let him know. The doctor shook Stanley Wharbucks hand and said they could go and see Ben for a little while. Ben, despite his pain, was
grinning from ear to ear. “I told you that the bush tea was good for me! That’s
what kept my pressure normal! The 'tree of life' saved my life!” “Well you will not be getting any bush tea in
here!’ said Stanley Wharbucks, “Just do what the doctors say and you’ll be back
on the estate in no time!” Florence delicately hugged Ben and told him not to scare her
like that again. She straightened the sheet on the bed and fluffed his pillow.
A nurse came into the room and told them they had to leave now so that she
could attend to Ben. “Thanks Mass Stanley, you are a good man,” said Ben as
they were leaving. “You just hurry up and get better, you have a child to take
to school!” replied Stanley Wharbucks. Florence rolled her eyes and she and Ben
burst out laughing. As late as it was when they reached the estate, Charmaine
was still up and came outside the house when the car drove up. She said she
could not sleep until she was sure that Pawpaw (her name for Ben) was okay.
Florence noted that Stanley Wharbucks flinched in surprise when he heard the name
Charmaine had for Ben, but she said nothing. She thanked him for taking her to
the hospital and back and for making sure that Ben would be well taken care of.
Stanley Wharbucks shrugged his shoulders, told her goodnight and drove off.
Florence sighed, the next two weeks were going to be very interesting.
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